The Beer Festival Committee has been looking at the possibility
of rescheduling the festival to the autumn of 2021.
Having considered various option we have sadly come to the conclusion that there will still be too many unknowns to allow us to do this successfully.
Therefore we are very sorry, but it is cancelled completely for 2021. However, there will be a craft beer festival taking place in the Tuckers Maltings building on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th November 2021, which is a collaboration between the Tuckers Tap House and Vessel beer shop. More details can be found here Maltings X Vessel Craft Beer Festival
The 28th Tuckers Maltings Beer Festival will return on
Thursday 21st April 2022, Friday 22nd April 2022 and Saturday 23rd April 2022
and it will be bigger and better than ever before.
Planning has already started for it to include both cask and keg beers
and to feature other drinks such as cider, gin etc that are also
produced by brewers in the South West.
Do get those dates in your diaries and we look forward to seeing you there